How to Use Your Anxiety To Your Advantage
There’s no denying it, anxiety can be miserable. It can make your heart race, induce panic and completely overwhelm all areas of your life. In fact, it can make you feel so stuck and paralyzed that it sends you into a constant negativity spiral. In some cases, you may even need to seek professional assistance to help you manage your anxiety, especially if it’s free floating without a clear cause or source
But anxiety isn’t all bad. In fact, it can be a useful tool and actually work to your advantage—as long as you use it in the right way. Here, three ways panic can be turned into productivity and power..
Photo by Enzo Tommasi
Allow It To Point Out Areas That Need Improvement
If a situation causes you to feel anxious repeatedly, pay attention. Chances are, that anxiety is your body’s way of telling you that something needs to be addressed. Say, for example, you’re dating someone and start noticing you feel anxiety every time you have to go out with them. It could be a sign that you’re ready to move on from the relationship or that you’re just not sure it’s right. Or perhaps you notice you start feeling a little iffy whenever you visit your mom. Maybe it’s a sign that you’re not completely satisfied with your interactions and need to figure out a way to better navigate it.
Not only that, anxiety can help highlight things you really care about. If you feel nerves before you go for a run, maybe it’s because you really want to do well and are afraid you won’t. Or maybe you notice anxiety around giving work presentations. It could mean so much to you that you feel a bit off. These feelings can be signs that you care deeply. Acknowledge them and think of ways you can give more attention to whatever is causing you to feel ill at ease.
Let It Motivate You
No one wants to sit in the feeling of being anxious. So, often when we feel this way, it makes us want to do something to stop it. A good example of this: Think about when someone you love is crying. It can spike your anxiety and you’ll do anything to make it stop.
Of course, when we’re anxious about something happening specifically and solely to ourselves, we tend to minimize it. Don’t. Instead, let it energize you to push forward and propel you towards a goal. Feel anxious about a job interview? Use it to get serious about preparing. Notice some nerves around cooking for a big dinner party? No problem! Let those nerves fuel you to prep more thoroughly ahead of time and maybe do a test run of a dish you’re new to
Use It To Live a More Balanced Life
Extreme anxiety or panic attacks tend to happen when your life is out of whack. Maybe you’re working too much and not leaving enough time for relaxation. Or perhaps, you’ve fallen off our workout routine because you’ve been so wrapped up in all of your kid’s activities. When we feel like we’re spread too thin or are overwhelmed by certain areas of life, it can cause you to freak out.
Use this intel to adjust your schedule and add balance back into your life. If you’ve been ignoring your sweat sessions, make them a priority. Been working till all hours of the night? Set an alarm and force yourself to stop so that you have a little bit of time to unwind. Whatever your issue, let your anxiety be the nudge you need to get your life back on track.
Bethany Heitman, Contributor