Meet Scrubee

I’m lazy with lotioning my body. The routine for whatever reason has become so redundant to me that it has now become a daunting task and 4 out of 5 times I skip it. (What woman turning 40 trying to protect her youth does that? ME. Ha!) During the winter you’d think I’d get more serious about it but instead I lean on cozy sweats and it being non-skirt season with a “no one will see anything anyways” attitude. If this is you too, keep reading.

My first Scrubee was gifted to me six years ago and ever since has become a staple in my shower and my go-to, *wow* gift ever since. What LUSH describes as, an indulgent, sweet scrub, is basically a body butter application built into your shower routine. 2 for 1. BOOM. I recommend standing out of the stream and do a full body exfoliation— then a gentle rinse and pat dry.

They are super affordable and last awhile… although be careful if you travel to a warm place with one because it’ll melt down some in your suitcase!

Jen Widerstrom, Founder

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