How Bad Is It To…
Sure, you’d love to make the healthiest possible choices all of the time. Unfortunately, life gets busy and sometimes those choices may not be ideal. But how do you know what shortcuts you can make—and which you need to worry about. It can be tricky, really—especially if you rely on Dr. Google to answer your biggest questions. There is just so much conflicting information out there.
We’re here to help! Below, some common health questions that JW gets asked all of the time, and how bad they actually are (which is to say, sometimes they’re not too bad at all).
I hate the look of bare nails, so I get weekly manicures. But recently, I noticed my nails are turning yellow. Is it a bad idea to always cover them up with polish? Do they need some time to breathe?
No, your nails don’t need to be exposed to “breathe.” That’s because your nails don’t derive nutrients from the air. They’re actually fed from below and receive their nutrients from your blood flow.
But that doesn’t mean you should wear polish 24-7. If you do, something called keratin granulation can occur. This happens when you’ve worn polish for too long and then take it off. Basically, it strips away part of your nail with the polish and you wind up with rough, white patches.
Photo by sour moha
Discoloration can also happen—like the yellowing of nails! This is basically because polish can stain your nails if it’s worn too often—especially if you wear red or darker hues.
Gel manicures can be especially tough because they create a much stronger bond to your nail bed. If your gel mani isn’t removed properly, it can strip away layers and make your nails flimsy and weak.
There is no general rule for how often you should wear polish versus not. Instead, it’s important to pay attention to your nails. If they’re looking weak, discolored or start to develop ridges or white patches, take a break. If you’re hoping to grow out yellowed nails, the average nail grows around 3.5 millimeters a month, so it can take up to 6 months to fully grow out nails.
I’ve read over and over that sleeping on your stomach is horrible for your back and neck. I’ve done everything I can to sleep on my back, but I just can’t get comfortable. Is it really that terrible to stay a tummy sleeper?
We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but sleeping on your stomach is not a great idea. The biggest reason is that it can misalign your spine. See, when you lay on your tummy, your torso naturally sinks deeper into the mattress because of weight. This causes your back to arch, pulling your spine out of its natural alignment.
Plus, when you sleep on your stomach, it also means your neck is twisted all night, so you may experience neck and shoulder pain.
Adding insult to injury, when one side of your face is smushed into your pillow all night, it can contribute to facial wrinkles.
Photo by Andisheh A
All of this is to say, you really should try to switch things up in bed. Research shows that sleeping on your back or side is significantly better for your back.
Making a switch isn’t easy—but there are techniques that can make it a bit less challenging. Most people find it easiest to switch from stomach to side sleeping. To attempt the switch, get into a side-laying position and try hugging a pillow to your stomach. Because you’re used to pressure on your tummy, having a pillow nestled against you will recreate that sensation and make it more comfortable. Another option: Invest in one of those body pillows—you can rest it down your front as you lay on your side!
If you are committed to staying on your tummy, and you’re not experiencing any back pain you should at least invest in a thinner pillow. If yours is too thick, it will crank your neck up and cause even more issues. And make sure you have a firm mattress so at least you have more torso support.
By Bethany Heitman, Contributor
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