Are You Wasting Your Workout Time?
Like the foundation of all good relationships, we must begin with connection. And since “attention is the act of connection”, when it comes to body transformation- we must pay due attention to your core.
Over the years I’ve seen a lot of flashy core exercises floating around. Many come, and many more go. But if there were only three that I could do for the rest of my life, these would be them:
1. Kettlebell Swings. When you think core, don’t just think about the muscles in the front, but the 360° of muscular real estate from your hips up to below your chest line. Nothing ignites and cinches that territory quite like these do, building true inside out strength and the recruitment of your transverse abdominis — responsible for tiny waists everywhere.
Watch all exercises: HERE
2. Weighted Overhead Crunches. Isolating sections of your core is key to toning your waistline, and this is my favorite way to tackle the top “quad” of abs for tightness. Using a weight allows your body to shape the muscle and holding this position protects your spine, only allowing you to recruit this specific area. This exercise is more for show and less for go, but you’ll lock in a burn right-quick! (PRO-TIP: Don’t arc your back so you can maintain tension from your pelvic floor up through those top two abs as the weight travels back!)
3. Pilates Roll Backs. One of the first core exercises introduced to me by my Pilates guru @mind_body_mama, Rolls Backs are a key exercise I use for myself and with every client I work with today. Articulation. Vacuuming. Strength. Shape. This movement helps heal back pain while teaching you how to deeply connect to all the layers of muscle in your abdomen. Roll backs ask your transverse abdominis and your rectus abdominis to work as a team and in the perfect recruitment pattern for changing and supporting your core.
Check out and try ALL THREE moves HERE!
Jen Widerstrom, Founder
P.S. Remember that no matter what you're going through right now, you don't have to do it alone! There are others like you in our community, where we interact on a daily basis, fight our demons, share our victories, and watch over each other as friends and accountability partners.
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