Get-Healthy Fall Tips for Moms
Sure, summer is nice. But ask any mom what her favorite season is and she’ll likely say fall—and it’s not because of the return of pumpkin spice lattes!
Fall means the kids head back to school. And as fun as summer is, it can also be a lot of work. There are vacations to plan, kids to keep entertained and tons of socializing. By the time September hits, moms are itching for a change. While it may not afford you a ton more free time, getting back into a routine allows you to find a few more moments for yourself. And you should use those moments to your benefit.
Photo by Sai De Silva
We turned to some moms who have mastered the art of maximizing their fall routines to make space for enhancing their own wellness and personal development. Heck, even if you don’t have kids you may find these tips helpful. Here are four of our faves:
Keep Workout Clothes By Your Bed
“Once the kids are up, it’s go-go-go until everyone gets out the door. So, as soon as I wake up, I slip on workout clothes. From there, I get the kids ready, cook them breakfast, pack their lunches and get their coats and backpacks on. We all walk to the school bus together. Then, since my workout clothes are already on, I use the time to jog around the block and back home. By putting my exercise clothes on first thing before the a.m. chaos begins, it makes it so I have no excuses and can really maximize that short window of time I have after dropping off the kids.”
—Megan, San Antonio, Texas
Use Homework Time For Yourself
“In our house, the 45 minutes before dinner is homework time for the kids. I spend the first 15 minutes getting dinner into the oven. Then, I join homework time! I use that half hour to work on myself. Some days that means listening to an inspiring podcast, other days I’ll read a self-help book or meditate. I find that it’s a great way to unwind after a long day at work. The kids are quiet and busy enriching their own lives with homework—and I can do the same!”
—Theresa, Montclair, New Jersey
Cook for an hour, eat healthy all week
“Once the week starts, it’s off to the races. Between school, work, sports practices and more—there’s just no time. I used to eat like crap, simply because I was too busy to think about nourishment and would just hit the drive-thru during my lunch break. It was not healthy. Now, I spend Sunday night after the kids going to bed doing my work lunch meal prep. I’ll cook a bunch of grilled chicken, peppers, onions and cauliflower rice and throw it all together as sort of a healthy burrito bowl. I divide it into individual containers so they’re in the fridge and ready for me to grab as I head out the door. The hour that it takes me on Sunday night sets me up for success so I feel better all week long.”
—Jessi, Hermosa Beach, California
Photo by Conscious Design
Stack up Small Changes
“Fall has always felt like the beginning of a new year. I found that I’d almost treat it like many people approach January—a time for resolutions and healthy habits! I’d make all these big goals for myself and within weeks as our fall schedule got busy, I’d find that I had started to slip and would give up on everything. So, a few years ago, I started making much smaller goals for myself. For example, in September I’d tell myself I wanted to drink less coffee. Then, in October, I would keep doing that but also add a new small thing—like adding light weight training to my gym sessions. In November, I’d add another small thing. Tackling one small thing at a time is so much more doable and it has helped make real, lasting changes. And because I start in September, I’m way ahead of the curve when everyone else is trying to make all these healthy changes in January!”
—Desiree, Portland, Oregon
Bethany Heitman, Contributor
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