Beauty Habits That Age You
Repeat after us: There is absolutely nothing wrong with aging. In fact, every fine line or wrinkle is a representation of another year well lived. But just because you’ve made peace with aging, doesn’t mean you want to look older than you are.
Unfortunately, making the wrong makeup moves can do just that. From the products you use to the way you apply them, there are a number of things that can prematurely age you. Plus, as you get older, you’ll probably want to upgrade or tweak your beauty routine, since what worked in the past may not be right for your face now.
To keep you looking as fresh and lovely as possible, we’ve gathered some of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to makeup that ages.
Photo by Raphael Lovaski
You Love A Matte Look
Younger skin is more prone to be oily—something that matte makeup can help neutralize. But as you age, you may want to rethink that velvet finish. “As we get older our skin typically gets drier and matte makeup has a tendency to settle into lines and emphasize them,” says Laura Connelly, a celebrity makeup artist (she works with JW!). “There are so many great tinted moisturizers that give enough coverage and plump the skin. If you want to use a true foundation you should look for makeup that has a satin finish and only powder in the areas that can get shiny. Or you can use a moisturizing primer underneath which will lay down a nice layer to help the makeup not settle into lines.”
Try: Saie Slip Tint, $35;
Your Concealer is Super Thick
Concealer is meant to cover up spots and flaws—so it would reason that the more you slick on, the more flawless you’ll look. Right? Wrong! As years pass, the skin under your eyes gets thinner. So, if you’re spackling on a ton of concealer to cover dark circles, it can look really unnatural and draw attention to the area you’re wanting to conceal. Instead, go for lighter layers. Use a damp sponge or a brush to apply a thin layer before buffing it out. Or just use your ring finger; of all the digits it has the lightest touch so it naturally taps on evenly.
You’re Applying Blush in the Wrong Spot
When you’re younger, dabbing blush on the apples of your cheeks is the way to go. But when your skin begins to sag, applying blush in that area can highlight this. As you begin noticing wrinkles around your eyes, start sweeping blush on the highest part of your cheekbones. As for colors, avoid anything too deep—it will make you look gaunt. Instead, a warm rose looks good on just about everyone.
Photo by Jakob Owens
You Don’t Line Your Lips
As you age, your natural lip line fades. The result? Your lipstick is more likely to bleed or feather. “Lip liners are a great way to correct and shape faded or uneven lip lines as long as you’re careful not to overdo it,” says Connelly. “Pick colors that are close to your lip color and the lipstick or gloss that you’ll be applying on top.”
You Rock Mascara on Lower Lashes
Skip mascara on your lower lashes—it highlights crow’s feet and dark circles. Instead, apply the blackest of black mascara to top lashes to draw attention up to your pretty peepers. Really can’t bring yourself to skip the lower lashes? “Using a tubing mascara that won’t flake or smudge is a game changer,” says Connelly. “Most beauty brands from high end to drugstore offer tube mascara.”
Try: Thrive Causemetics Liquid Lash Extensions Mascara, $24;
Photo by Egor Vikhrev
You Go Overboard with Sparkly Shadow
Love a little glitz? No problem! If sparkly eyeshadow is your thing, just be careful where on your lid you apply it. Dabbing it toward the inner corner or center is a great way to brighten up tired eyes. But swiping it near the outer edge will make crinkly corners look even more, well, crinkly. Another smart sparkle trick? Add a little shimmer to your brow bone to give your eyes and brows a slightly lifted appearance.
Bethany Heitman, Contributor